Dragon Quest And Final Fantasy For the genre of Japanese role -playing games, this is the same as Wolfenstein for jokes from the first person or Dune 2 For strategies. It all started with them, and it so happened that both episodes are still alive, still, and even more so-are in the same hands, at Square Enix , although there were once the worst competitors.
But at the same time, starting from the era of the first PlayStation, they move further and further from each other. If Final Fantasy is a large capital in which life is seething, people are fussing and something happens constantly, then Dragon Quest is more like a quiet village on the river bank, with a forest nearby and with old women discussing how “Nyura’s woman has a woman Yesterday Burenka was giving away ". What is characteristic, both “approaches to life” have their own supporters and opponents. And it is better not to cross each other with each other, otherwise an unpleasant misunderstanding may arise – perhaps with serious bodily harm.
Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies does not break the familiar way of rural life. For about a quarter of a century, the game has been living according to unchanging rules. Even some sounds have remained unchanged since eight times. We travel again from one village to another (if you're lucky, the castle will come across in the way). Again we kill the countless armies of multi -colored drops, cucumbers with spears, revived pillows and smiling single -eyed witches. Having hung his ears, we listen to fairy tales about how the dead knight harasses the princess of the gingerbread kingdom, and she reciprocates him contrary to the will of the father-king. Or about how the professor’s restless spirit (in Dragon Quest the death theme is a common occurrence) abducts the most naughty kids from the academy and trains their mind, strictly knocking on the sliced board. If desired, it is very easy to imagine how such fairy tales are told by Arina Rodionovna Little Pushkin.
Of these, almost the entire plot part of the game consists. No, of course, there is a large central quest for salvation from the unknown danger of the race of guardian angels (the main character is just from these guys). But to achieve the goal, you have to stagger around cities and towns and solve the problems of simple mortals. Frankly, each plot event is interesting exactly so that the player did not die of boredom. Dragon Quest IX is clearly not the game that you turn on to find out what happened next.
A logical question may arise here: then why do Dragon Quest love millions of players around the world? Especially the Japanese, but also on the other side of the ocean, fans of Jrpg are not very far behind. The answer will be unexpected: about the same for which they love, for example, World of Warcraft or another Korean mmorpg. Dragon Quest IX has something to do without any plot. And moreover, after the final of the main story, the game continues to continue and even offers a lot of new content, which can be raked before the exit of the Dragon Quest X.
Prepare your accounting accounts. The game has more than a stroke quests from the category of "submit". Hundreds of recipes for creating objects, weapons and equipment are dusting on the book shelves, in the pursuit of the ingredients for which you can spend tens of hours. The game carefully writes in a special magazine how many types of monsters (out of three hundred) you killed and how many items (out of a thousand) have collected, mocking the missing points with signs of the issue. This is an obvious trap for lovers to pass games one hundred percent.
For them, a role system was also created, a little unusual for jrpg. There are as many as twelve classes, and they swing separately from each other. Moreover, many skills can be transferred from one profession to another. This gives spaciousness for creating interesting hybrid characters (healer with two -handed ax at the ready, for example). Each class of 99 levels. Multiply this number by 12 yourself, please.
Finally, the main points of the program: multiplayer and grottoes with treasures. To get into them, you need to find a card, and the cards in the game are not units, not dozens or even hundreds, but – attention – thousands. The more complicated the dungeon, the more floors in it, stronger enemies, more valuable objects and angrier monster at the end. There are even particularly secret caves in which bosses from the previous parts of Dragon Quest are waiting for you. There are about a dozen of them, and in order to get a full return from them, you need to kill each 98 times. We don’t even know whether to cry or laugh, but a fact is a fact: there are a lot of lovers of such entertainment. And they will be in the seventh heaven with happiness.
Multiplayer is needed in order not at all to fie up from loneliness during searches of rare objects. You can invite up to three people to your world, and they, in principle, can do anything, as in a regular MMORPG. You can scatter in different directions or go together to the war on the dragon, help pump someone on strong monsters or accept such help yourself. Even in the plot you can move together. Each player in his world will take the gained experience and found objects. Graduations because of them usually does not occur, since only the master of the world can open especially valuable chests, but no one prevents things from exchanging things with each other.
For stubborn loners there is an online store with a daily updated range of goods. The game even knows how to quietly find other Dragon Quest IX lovers on the street and exchange treasures with them. True, in our country, a person with ds, alas, on the street in the afternoon https://love-gb-casino.co.uk/ with fire you will not find.
Dragon Quest IX is very easy to recommend a certain circle of people. This is a magnificent, perhaps one of the best RPG for those who have not yet been a classic Japanese role -playing games, in which only graphics have changed over 25 years. If you have nothing against thousands of identical step -by -step battles and are ready to spend hundreds of hours of your life to get an epic sword – feel free to take Dragon Quest IX.
And, believe me, there is not a drop of sarcasm in our words. There are a lot of people in the world who get sincere pleasure from such a pastime, and this game is made for them. But lovers of scandals, intrigues, heartbreaking dramas and salvations of the world, as well as admirers of progress, who are not able to live without new sensations, will always find entertainment better. Dragon Quest IX is not for them, but for all other people.
Reigracy – No
Cool plot – No
Originality – No
Easy to master – Yes
Evidence of expectations: 70%
Gameplay: 7
Graphics: 9
Sound and music: 7
Interface and management: 8
Waited? Very high -quality jrpg from the subspecies of “non -storage collector”, which is played in the same way as twenty -five years ago. Lovers of the classics are delighted, everyone else boldly takes away three points from the final assessment.
Mania rating: 8.0
[[Break]] Classics of the genre
Japanese role -playing games are not frequent guests of the pages of our magazine. The main reason is that the Titles in this genre come out of an incredible amount, but at the same time very few play in our country. If you want to join these brave enthusiasts, but do not know where to start, then below you will find a brief likbez in six most important JRPG series. The list was not included in Final Fantasy, since everyone knows about it without us, and the question of whether to play it or not to play is worth it at all. "Disposable" Jrpg like Lost Odyssey we also intentionally miss.
The series originated on Super Nintendo, but really blossomed on Psone. In its structure, it does not stand out from the mass of others JRPG: we explore and save the world, follow the plot, fight with monsters. But there is a couple of wonderful features in it. Firstly, excellent unobtrusive humor, and secondly, all the battles pass in real time, and therefore look great and do not bother. Even taking into account the fact that during the battle the hero usually moves in only two planes (very similar to fighting ground). The last game of the series – Tales of Graacs (WII), recommended – Tales of Vesperia (Xbox 360).
Star Ocean also originally with Super Nintendo and is very similar to Tales, although it masks to space science fiction. But this does not last long. Heroes fall on an unknown planet, and from that moment on various pretexts, Japanese fantasy begins. Fighting here is also in real time, but already in three dimensions. The last game of the series – Star Ocean: The Last Hope (Xbox 360), but in it almost everything is done very badly: a sluggish plot, stupid characters and disgusting dialogs. Therefore, the recommended – Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (PS2). The psps came out remakes of the first two parts of the series, which are also very good.
Usually the plot in JRPG focuses on drama and salvation of the world. Suikoden unexpectedly reveals a foreign policy topic. There are cruel wars between different countries in her world, and we find ourselves in the center of events. Corruption, betrayal, revolution – these are the main themes of the series. There are many of the main characters, mostly extremely unpleasant events, and moral dilemmas happen almost at every step. One of the most adults Jrpg, despite the fact that in her world there are large eraseing crains. The series, unfortunately, became less serious on PlayStation 2. Therefore, the recommended game of the series – Suikoden 2 (Psone), and the last – Suikoden Tierkreis (NDS).
The pearl of the genre, although it has only two main games and one spin-off. This is one of the few episodes that was not afraid of experiments. The plot rotates around the Scandinavian myths and legends. The locations in the game were two -dimensional, as in the platformer, but the battles passed according to role rules, albeit unusual: each of the four heroes was responsible for their own button. The first part of the game was almost completely concentrated on pumping the heroes: they had to be sent Odin to participate in the war of the gods and then monitor their successes or failures. The authors opened to the second series, creating one of the most beautiful, deep and original role -playing games, which can be safely recommended even to those who have never heard about JRPG. The last game of the series – Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume (NDS), recommended – Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria (PS2).
Big series branch Shin Megami Tensei. Persona consists entirely of excellent games even despite the fact that its essence has not changed for a long time. The key to success in battle is to understand which elements the monster is vulnerable to, and to deal with it as efficiently as possible. The action takes place in modern Japan, the inhabitants of which can use the magic with the help of persons (mythical creatures). Such a mixture of science fiction and reality gave an surprisingly interesting result. In free time, heroes usually establish relationships with each other and combine a person to get new spirits and more powerful magic. Dragging. The last and recommended game of the series – Persona 4 (PS2).
A little dignifting the game Xenogears , later turned into a trilogy Xenosaga. It can be described as Japanese "star wars". Epic scope, robots, blasters, androids – all this is here, but in Japanese entourage. And the series is a mansion because a huge amount of time is devoted to the plot. So huge that even Jrpg lovers moaned from many hours of videos and dialogs at one time. For the same reason, fans idolize her. Monitoring the events is really interesting, but the games as such are very few here. The last game of the series – Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra (PS2). Not recommended, since if you play, then everything, otherwise you will not understand anything.